Miedo & Emoción
Tests & solutions
The startle response is a brainstem reflex elicited by an unexpected acoustic or tactile stimulus.
The novel object test is a free exploration paradigm that provides animals the opportunity to…
The fear-potentiated startle reflex test is a paradigm in which amplitude of a simple reflex…
The open field test is classically used to assess anxiety in rodent.
El paradigma de evitación pasiva se usa tradicionalmente como una manera rápida y fácil de…
En el paradigma de evitación activa los sujetos aprenden a evitar un estímulo aversivo mediante…
Behavior. Neuroscience. Stimulation. Smart I/O is an enhanced version of the Panlab SMART 3.0 video-tracking…
RECORD-IT! MEDIA is the Panlab product specifically designed to record digital videos in laboratories and…
Panlab Shuttle Boxes LE916 (Rats) and LE918 (Mice) provide the ideal environment to carry out…
Passive avoidance is fear-motivated tests classically used to assess short-term or long-term memory on small…
Para pruebas estandares de condicionamiento operante y en cajas de conducta. The Panlab Operant Chamber…
Use it once, and you will never use another one afterwards! PACKWIN 2.0. is the…
The StartFear Combined system is a polyvalent system for conducting both fear conditioning and startle…
The new SEDACOM 2.0 version is a very easy, convenient and cost-saving data transfer software…
SHUTAVOID software is an implemented version of the Panlab SHUTTLE-8 software offering a user-friendly interface…
Smart 3.0, la última versión del sistema de video-tracking SMART lo hace todavía más flexible…