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Lunes, 03 Febrero 2014 07:44

Test de "emergence" - Emergence test

The emergence test is a free exploration paradigm designed to reduce anxiety by providing a safe enclosure within the open field in order to assess approach or exploratory behavior in rodents.

Lunes, 03 Febrero 2014 07:35

Respuesta locomotora a la novedad

Locomotor responses to novelty is an animal index of exploration/anxiety that has been shown to represent a predictive factor for the addictive properties of drug or animal vulnerable to drug.

The rodent Activity Wheel represents a very simple and clever way to register animal physical activity in its home cage environment.

Social transmission of food preference is a test that is used in rodents to assess memory processes as well as social interaction ability.

Domingo, 02 Febrero 2014 19:43

Test de reconocimiento social

The recognition test is based on the natural tendency of rodents to investigate a novel congener instead of a familiar one.

Domingo, 02 Febrero 2014 19:34

Test de reconocimiento de objeto

The object recognition test is based on the natural tendency of rodents to investigate novelty.

Domingo, 02 Febrero 2014 19:25

Test de Fear-potentiated startle reflex

The fear-potentiated startle reflex test is a paradigm in which amplitude of a simple reflex is increased when presented with a cue that has been previously paired with an aversive stimulus.

Sábado, 01 Febrero 2014 11:19

Test del miedo condicionado

Fear conditioning is a form of Pavlovian learning that involves making association between stimuli and their aversive consequences.

Sábado, 01 Febrero 2014 11:00

Test de alternancia demorada

The delayed alternation task allows assessing spatial working memory in a T- or Y-maze.

Sábado, 01 Febrero 2014 10:45

Test de alternancia espontanea

The spontaneous alternation task is used to assess spatial working memory in rodents and is based on the innate tendency of rodents to explore a prior unexplored arm of a T- or Y-maze.

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