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Phone/Fax: +86 21 6226 0239
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.harvardbioscience.com.cn
Company Name: PANLAB, S.L.U.
Company Registration: Company Registered in Barcelona, at Sheet 3455, Volume 1726, Section 3-A
NIF: B08240442
e-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Home page: www.panlab.com/es
In accordance to the Spanish Law 15/1999 for Personal Data Protection (LOPD) and the Spanish Law LSSICE 34/2002 passed on the 11th of July 2002 concerning Information and e-Commerce companies, PANLAB, S.L.U., in strict adherence to points 5 and 6 of the LOPD, hereby declares and informs all customers that provide or will provide their personal data, that such data will be introduced into an automatic file that in turn is registered in the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
To this end, the customers expressly and freely accept that their personal data will be used by PANLAB, S.L.U., for the following purposes:
PANLAB, S.L.U., informs and expressly guarantees the customers that their personal data will not be released under any circumstances to third party companies, and in the event, that such data would need to be transferred, the customer will always be consulted before hand for their consent.
By filling in and sending the corresponding forms of this website, the User accepts that their personal data will be treated automatically by PANLAB, S.L.U..
In the event that the User submits forms that contain third party information, prior notice and permission must be obtained from such parties, explaining the full content and extent of the afore mentioned paragraphs. In the event that an international transfer of data occurs, the User must expressly tick the corresponding box. Likewise, and in the event, that an international transfer of data occurs, the User on having accepted the present Data Privacy Policy, consents to such a transfer going ahead.
All data requested through PANLAB, S.L.U., is compulsory, and vital to be able to provide an optimum service to the customer. PANLAB, S.L.U., cannot guarantee that information and services provided will be adequate if the customer does not provide all necessary requested data.
PANLAB, S.L.U., guarantees in any event that the customer will be able to exercise their rights to access, rectification, cancelation, information and opposition as covered by current legislation. To this end and in accordance to Data Protection Law (LOPD) 15/1999, the customer can exercise their rights in writing, together with a copy of their ID via the following media formats:
In the same way, PANLAB, S.L.U.., has adopted all technical and organizational steps necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data used, as well as avoiding loss, alternation and/or access by non-authorised third parties.
PANLAB, S.L.U., employs information security techniques generally accepted by the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and encryption mechanisms, all in order to avoid unauthorized access to the data. In order to accomplish this, the user accepts that the security provider has access to data in order to verify correct access.
This web is property of PANLAB, S.L.U.. All intellectual property rights and rights of exploitation and reproduction of this web, the pages contained, screens, information contained, appearance and design, together with hyperlinks to other web pages belonging to subsidiary companies and/or owned by PANLAB, S.L.U., are deemed exclusive property unless expressly stated otherwise. Any name, design and / or logo, as well as any product or service offered and reflected in this website, are trademarks duly registered by PANLAB, S.L.U., by its subsidiaries and / or dominated companies or by third parties. Any improper use of them by persons other than their legitimate owner and without express and unequivocal consent by the latter may be denounced and prosecuted through all legal means existing in the Spanish and / or EU Community Law.
The intellectual property rights and trademarks of third parties are conveniently posted and must be respected by anyone accessing this page, and PANLAB, S.L.U.., is not responsible for the use that the user may carry out in this regard and will be held exclusively responsible for such use.
Download of contents, copying or printing of any page on this website will only be allowed for personal and private use. It is expressly forbidden to reproduce, transmit, modify or suppress the information, content or warnings of this website without the prior written authorization of PANLAB, S.L.U..
The contents as supplied by PANLAB, S.L.U. are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights and are the exclusive property of PANLAB, S.L.U. or of the natural or legal persons that are being informed. By purchasing a product or service, PANLAB, S.L.U. does not grant the purchaser any right to alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate the same, and PANLAB, S.L.U. reserves all these rights. The assignment of these rights will require prior written consent of the owner of the same, so that the client cannot make said contents available to third parties.
In addition to the content included in PANLAB, S.L.U., the intellectual property extends, to its graphics, logos, designs, images and source codes used for its programming.
PANLAB, S.L.U. has obtained the Information and materials included in the web from sources considered as reliable and, although reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that the information contained is correct, PANLAB, S.L.U. cannot always guarantee that such information is accurate, complete, up-to-date and consequently, should not be relied upon as if it were. PANLAB, S.L.U. expressly declines any responsibility for error or omission in the information contained on this website
PANLAB, S.L.U. reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel or restrict the content of the website, any links or information obtained through it without prior notice. PANLAB, S.L.U., in any event, does not assume any responsibility as a result of the incorrect use of the web that can be carried out by the user for both the information and the services contained therein
In no case shall PANLAB, S.L.U., its branches and/or work centres, its directors and/or attorneys, employees and in general authorized personnel be liable for any kind of damages, losses, claims or expenses of any kind, whether resulting directly or indirectly from the use and / or dissemination of the website or the information acquired or accessed by or through it, or its computer viruses, operational failures or interruptions in service or transmission or line failures while using the web, both by direct connection and by hyperlink or other means, constituting for all legal effects, a warning to any user that these possibilities and events can occur.
PANLAB, S.L.U. is not responsible for other websites that are not of their property that can be accessed through hyperlinks or links or any content made available to third parties. Any use of a link or access to a web site other than its own, will be carried out voluntarily and at the sole risk and interest of the user. PANLAB, S.L.U. does not recommend or guarantee any of the Information obtained through or through a link, nor is it liable for any loss, claim or damage arising from the use or misuse of a link, or the information obtained through it, including other links or websites, any interruption in the service or access, or the attempt to use or misuse a link, both when connecting to the PANLAB, S.L.U. website and accessing the Information from other websites from PANLAB, S.L.U.’s website.
In case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that conform this Privacy Policy, as well as any question related to the services of this website, Spanish Law will be applied.
Cookies are small computer files stored in the user’s computer that help us recognize the user. It helps the website to remember information about your visit, like your preferred language and other settings. That can make your next visit easier and the site more useful to you.
Cookies are essential for internet to work correctly by providing several advantages to improve interactive services, making web browsing easier. Cookies do not damage hardware but rather help us to identify and solve errors.
The following information will help you to understand the different types of cookies used:
The following is a list of the main cookies used in our web, namely:
The following table shows how cookies are used on our webpage:
Cookie |
Google Analytics |
_ga |
It is used to distinguish users. |
2 years |
_gid |
It’s generated automatically for the website because of some medition codes |
1 day |
www.panlab.com |
8a80c954fbf03262492968d0bf094d6e |
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db2476b73774b9f80421f1f02a306062 |
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Some pages of our websites allow you to share our content on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. We sometimes upload videos from sites like YouTube. These websites deposit their own cookies, which we do not control. You may want to check their websites to find out more about their cookie policy.
More information about social networking cookies:
As further complementary guarantee to the ones previously described, the registry of cookies could be subject to acceptance during the installation or update of the browser. Such acceptance can be revoked at anytime via the content configuration and privacy options available.
Many browsers allow a private mode to be activated through which the cookies are always erased after the visit. Depending on the each browser, this private mode can have different names. The following is a list of the most common browsers and the different names for “private mode”:
Internet Explorer 8 and superior; InPrivate Safari 2 and superior; Private Navigation/Browsing
Opera 10.5 and superior; Private Navigation/Browsing FireFox 3.5 and superior; Private Navigation/Browsing Google Chrome 10 and superior; Incognito
Important Note: Please read the Help section carefully of your browser in order to find out more about how to activate the “private mode”. Users can visit our webpage even though their browser is in “private mode”, however the session might not be optimum and some functions may not work correctly.
NOTE: The information offered is dated August 2017 and inform you that with the passage of time cannot be exhaustive, although this policy periodically cookies is reviewed.
DSI is a pioneering biomedical research company focused on systems physiology and pharmacology. The recognized global leader in physiologic monitoring, DSI offers telemetry, instrumentation, and software and services that help advance science. DSI serves many industries including: Pharmaceuticals, Academia, Contract Research Organizations, Biological and Chemical Defense, the Medical Device Industry, Government, and Biotechnology companies. We offer solutions that are tailored specifically to meet the unique research needs of our customer.
1. Information about the Processing Responsible of the data contained in the official page of PANLAB, S.L.U. in the social network
According to the established in the Organic Law 15/1999, of Personal Data Protection (LOPD for its Spanish acronym), and the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21st December, for which the LOPD development regulation is approved (from now on RDLOPD), PANLAB, S.L.U. wants to put to the users in this social network acknowledgment, the policy regarding the treatment and data protection of those people which willingly access and use PANLAB, S.L.U.’s official site.
The user’s access and use of PANLAB, S.L.U.’s official site makes it expressly accept this privacy policy, and gives its consent to the treating of their personal data.
2. Under-aged or incapable data
The access and registration to this social network is prohibited to people under fourteen (14) years old. The access to PANLAB, S.L.U.’s official site is also prohibited to people under fourteen (14 years old). On its own side, if the user is incapable, PANLAB, S.L.U. warns of the need of the parental custody’s responsible person consent, or its legal representative, to access and use PANLAB, S.L.U.’s official site. PANLAB, S.L.U. is expressly released of any responsibility that may derive from its official site use by under-aged and incapable, being their legal representatives the only responsible in each case.
3. Processing Responsible Company Name Identification.
The user has been informed that PANLAB, S.L.U., with registered office at C/ ENERGIA, Nº 112, CORNELLÀ DE LLOBREGAT (BARCELONA)2, holds the condition of Files and Processing Responsible, through which user’s personal data is collected and stored as a consequence of the registration and use of PANLAB, S.L.U.’s official site in this social network, in spite of the treatments of which the social network’s legal entity is responsible, where our official site is found.
4. Purposes to which the personal data, information and consent are destined
The personal data willingly provided by the user to PANLAB, S.L.U. through its official site will be included in a data treatment under PANLAB, S.L.U.’s responsibility, with the purpose of offering you information about PANLAB, S.L.U. via e-mail, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical mean, present or future, which make the commercial communications possible, as well as the sending of Newsletters to those users who subscribe to it, to exchange information with PANLAB, S.L.U. and other users and establish communication with third parties.
From the moment on which the user uses the actual official site, it gives its willing, unequivocal, informed and express consent to allow PANLAB, S.L.U. treat its personal data, in order to receive the correct services according to the established in this policy.
The user is free to use PANLAB, S.L.U.’s official site in this network, and in case it does not agree with their personal data treatment for the purposes explained, it can stop using it and providing its personal data.
Through PANLAB, S.L.U.’s official site, the user can share texts, pictures, videos and other kinds of information and/or contents, which will be held to this policy, as well as to the Rules and Conditions of the Platform. The user will be responsible for respecting the legislation in force, the present policy and the Platform Rules in all contents it may publish.
The user can only publish personal data, pictures, information and other contents on PANLAB, S.L.U.’s official site when the ownership is its own, or when it disposes of the third parties’ authorization.
PANLAB, S.L.U. will have the right to delete from this official site –unilaterally and without previous communication or user authorization- any published content by the user, when it transgresses or infringes the legislation in form, the present policy’s established rules and the Platform Rules.
5. Identification of the addressees with respect to those which PANLAB, S.L.U. had planned to transfer or communicate data to
The user is warned that all the information and contents that may be published in PANLAB, S.L.U.’s official site in this social network will be able to be known by the rest of the official site and the social network platform’s users. Consequently, all the information and published contents by the user in PANLAB, S.L.U.’s official site in this social network will be an object of communication to the rest of users, for the service’s own legal nature.
PANLAB, S.L.U. has only planned the fulfilment of transfer or communication of data that, according to the legislation in form, may be executed by judges, courts, public administrations, and competent administrative authorities.
6. Other third providing parties
PANLAB, S.L.U. warns the user that this entity is only responsible and guarantees the confidentiality, security and data treatment according to this policy, regarding the personal data collected from the user through the present official site, having no responsibility regarding the treatment and posterior uses of the personal data that may be executed by the incumbent of the social network, as well as third parties which provide society of information services and may access such data, third parties which want to serve or to exercise its activity, third parties which establish hyperlinks on the social network, and those responsible to whom, throughout the use of hyperlinks, PANLAB, S.L.U. redirects the registered users on this official site.
7. Data quality
PANLAB, S.L.U. warns the user that, unless there is a constituted legal representation, no user can use the identity of another person and communicate their personal data. According to this, the user must acknowledge in every moment that the data it can supply can only belong to its own identity and they must be adequate, pertinent, actual, exact and true. In any case, the user must respect third parties’ privacy, whether they are registered users to this social network or not, or to PANLAB, S.L.U.’s official site.
8. Exercise of the rights of data access, rectification, cancellation and opposition
PANLAB, S.L.U. informs the user of the possibility of exercising its rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition through a written request form addressed to PANLAB, S.L.U., with registered office at C/ ENERGIA, Nº 112, CORNELLÀ DE LLOBREGAT (BARCELONA)2, or to that replacing it and being communicated in the Data Protection General Register. In these effects, the applicant must send PANLAB, S.L.U. the written communication indicating the petition or the right it exercises attached to a copy of its ID card or valid document that identifies its identity, expressly indicating their user name on PANLAB, S.L.U.’s official site on the social network, with the purpose of being unequivocally identified.
9. Other information of interest
PANLAB, S.L.U. can modify and/or replace at any time the present policy that, according to the specific case, will replace, complete and/or modify the actual published which has been here presented. For that, the user will have to periodically access this policy, in order to keep updated.
The user can contact PANLAB, S.L.U. via the internal text service in the social network or via the following contact data:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The user can as well consult the rules and policies published by the legal holder of the social network in order to use it.
La información incluida en este email es CONFIDENCIAL, siendo para uso exclusivo del destinatario arriba mencionado. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos nos lo notifique inmediatamente por esta vía y proceda a su eliminación junto con sus ficheros anexos sin leerlo ni grabarlo.
En virtud de lo establecido en la Ley 15/1999, y la LSSICE 34/2002, le informamos que sus datos forman parte de un fichero titularidad de PANLAB, S.L.U.. La información registrada se utilizará para mantener la relación contractual así como para informarle por cualquier medio electrónico de nuestras novedades comerciales o promociones de la compañía. Puede ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición en: C/ ENERGIA, Nº 112, CORNELLÀ DE LLOBREGAT (BARCELONA).
En cumplimiento de la LSSICE 34/2002, le informamos que puede revocar en cualquier momento, de forma sencilla y gratuita, el consentimiento para la recepción de correo electrónico enviando un e-mail con su solicitud a: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are Confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed to. If you have received this email by error, please notify us immediately through the same means and proceed to immediately delete it and its attached files without reading or recording them.
In accordance with the Spanish Data Protection law LOPD 15/1999 and LSSICE 34/2002, we inform you that your data will be included in a database owned by PANLAB, S.L.U.. The registered information will be used to maintain the contractual relation and to inform you by any electronic means of commercial news and/or new promotions of the company. We also inform you that you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition at C/ ENERGIA, Nº 112, CORNELLÀ DE LLOBREGAT (BARCELONA).
In compliance with Law 34/2002, we inform you that consent to receive e-mails may be revoked at any time in a simple and free manner by just sending an e-mail with your request to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Small Animal Physiological Monitoring System is an instrument integrating multiple physiology parameters on one single small platform. The objective behind this instrument is to provide superior monitoring results, while making surgery and other manipulations on small animals easier.
The platform integrates monitoring of the rectal temperature, electrocardiogram (ECG), respiration, oxygen saturation (SpO2), blood pressure and exhaled CO2. It also includes a controlled heating surface to maintain the animal’s body temperature at the desired level.
75-1500 |
Physiological Monitoring System for Mouse (10 g to 100 g) with 8” Tablet |
75-1501 |
Physiological Monitoring System for Rat and Mouse (10 g to 600 g) with 8” Tablet |
75-1557 |
Physiological Monitoring System for Mouse (10 g to 100 g) with 10” Tablet |
75-1558 |
Physiological Monitoring System for Rat and Mouse (10 g to 600 g) with 10” Tablet |
75-1502 |
Blood Pressure Option for Physiological Monitoring System |
75-1503 |
Exhaled CO2 for Physiological Monitoring System |
75-1504 |
SpO2 Option for Physiological Monitoring System |
73-4905 |
APT300 Pressure Transducer for Physiologic Monitoring System |
77-0207 |
ECG 3-Needle Electrodes, 2 mm pin |
75-1540 |
Stereotaxic Kit for Mouse with Gas Anesthesia Mask for 75-1500 Mouse Platform |
75-1541 |
Stereotaxic Kit for Mouse with Nose Clamp for 75-1500 Mouse Platform |
75-1542 |
Stereotaxic Kit for Mouse with Gas Anesthesia Mask for 75-1501 Rat/Mouse Platform |
75-1543 |
Stereotaxic Kit for Mouse with Nose Clip for 75-1501 Rat/Mouse Platform |
75-1539 |
Anesthesia Nose Cone Holder for Physiological Monitoring System |
75-1550 |
Replacement Protective Membrane for Mouse Platform |
75-1551 |
ECG Conductive Gel, 250 g |
The body reversal corridor is used for assessing muscle control and movement coordination in rats.
The apparatus consist of a narrow black Perspex corridor with a closed end. The corridor is provided with two supporting paws for ensuring its stability during the test.
The rat is placed in the corridor facing the closed end. The researcher evaluates the time spent by the animal to turn over (body reversal) and reach the opposite opened end of the corridor.