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Wednesday, 08 January 2014 14:12


Panlab proposes two multi-channel digital thermometer models suitable for the measurement of animal body temperature using rectal probes. Both systems are designed for working with up to 12 resistive-temperature probes simultaneously.

Temperature is measured by using Yellow Springs (YSI) thermistor and the registered current value shown in the digital display of the front panel with a resolution of 0.1 degrees (sensitivity range: 32-45°C). There is no difference between channels or temperature probes, freely interchangeable. Standard YSI temperature probes should be plugged in the jack connectors of the rear panel, while the temperature value is read from the front panel display.

TMP812 model allows the reading of the current temperature of one channel at once. The selection is done by switching the desired channel in the 12-positions front panel rotary commuter.

TMP812RS model offers a 20x4 LCD display for showing the current temperature of all the probes at the same time. A built-in RS 232/USB communication port, allows sending (by pressing a front panel “SEND” button) the temperature values from all the probes to an external device (matrix printer with serial port or PC computer) through the SEDACOM software.

The new SEDACOM 2.0 version provides an easy and convenient way to visualize and export the data on a computer for further analysis.


Key features

  • Precalibrated and interchangeable probes
  • Options for Data transfer to a computer or printer




0,1 degrees Celsius


Up to12 temperature probes simultaneously

Temperature probes

Standard YSI probes


RS232 (USB)


How to order 




12 Channels Digital Thermometer with RS232 port comms. Probes and SeDaCom software should be ordered separately.





Temperature probe for rabbits (3.9 mm)



Temperature probe for rats & mice (3 mm)



Temperature probe for mice (1.3 mm)



Surface temperature probe (disc dia. 9.5 mm)





SeDaCom V2.0 software for data transfer to a computer



SeDaCom accessory - RS232/USB adapter


 Body temperature

See more information about body temperature evaluation in rodents in next link



Tuesday, 07 January 2014 20:02


Panlab provides a complete set of precise, compact and easy-to-use single-, double- or four-channels digital stimulators for general pharmacology and physiology such as organ/tissue bath studies. 

With a wide range of stimulation parameters, these stimulators offer an excellent and low priced alternative when single pulse and train stimulation is required.


Key features

  • Pulse and Train formation entirely controlled by Microprocessor
  • Allows stimulation of more than one isolated tissue preparation
  • Stimulation by Voltage and Current
  • Visual short-circuit security warning
  • Square-wave pulse
  • Built-in isolated output circuit (not related to ground)
  • Selected-parameters violation warning
  • Monopulse, Continuous and Train stimulations
  • TTL signal allowing for the external control of
  • DC Output
  • 125/220-50/60Hz power supply





Number of Channels

1 channel

Pulse Frequency

0.01 - 99.99 Hz (0.01 Hz step)

Pulse Duration

0.1 - 9.9 ms (0.1 ms step)

OUTPUT Voltage

0 - 50 V (1 V resolution)

OUTPUT Max. Power

15 W (250 mA)


≤ 4% for timings and output

Power Supply

125/220V, 50/60Hz




PULSE Frequency

1 Hz - 10 KHz (1 Hz step)

PULSE Duration

1 - 9999 μs (1 μs step); 1 - 9999 ms (1 ms step)

TRAIN Interval

0.1 - 999.9 s (1 s step)

TRAIN Duration

1 - 99.99 s (0.01 s step)


5 V (TTL)


≤ 2% for timings and output




OUTPUT Voltage

0 - 100 V (1 V resolution); constant voltage (automated short circuit security)

OUTPUT Current

0 - 500 mA (5 mA resolution); constant current (automated short circuit security). Except for LE 12106: 0 - 100 mA (1 mA resolution); constant current (automated short circuit security)


Power 50 W per channel (500 mA)



How to order 



Dimensions (W x D x H)



1-Channel Basic Stimulator for teaching purpose

29 x 27 x 7 cm



1-Channel Digital Stimulator including 1 Pulse generator and 1 Power unit

34 x 31 x 15 cm



2-Channels Stimulator including 2 Pulse generators and 2 Power units

45 x 35 x 19 cm



4-Channels Stimulator including 1 Pulse generator and 4 Power units

45 x 35 x 19 cm






Power Unit module (LE12406TC needed)

7 x 12 x 17 cm



Pulse Generator & Mainframe module for up to 4 LE12406OM units

45 x 35 x 19 cm



Mainframe module for up to 4 LE12406OM units (External Pulse generator needed)

45 x 35 x 19 cm



8-Channels Stimulator package including 1 LE12406TC, 1 LE12404 and 8 LE12406OM

2 x (45 x 35 x 19 cm)





Nerve Electrode



Bipolar Electrode



Related products

  • Organ bath for teaching (P) - link
  • Organ bath for basic research (P) - link
  • Organ bath for advanced research (HS)



Tuesday, 07 January 2014 17:53


The PANLAB Coupler Module ISO510A is an Amplifier for bridge-system designed to work with a wide range of different transducers for evaluating pressure, strength or respiration in various research areas. As an example, the ISO510 model is currently associated with the isometric or isotonic transducers for the study of in vitro tissues preparations using Organ Baths.

The PANLAB ISO510A Amplifier can work in both AC and DC and amplifies signal up to 2.000 times. The Amplifier contains a filter allowing the suppression of the noise produced by electrical or mechanical artefacts associated with the experiment running (for instance, ventilation and heating pump systems in Organ Baths) and then eliminates vibrations that may affect the signal received from the biological preparations. A Transducer Balance option allows a fine adjustment of the signal baseline (“zero”) when the transducer is not excited by the variable to be measured. The ISO510A amplifier also allows the external monitoring of its output signal, for instance to an oscilloscope…

The ISO510A Amplifier is available in two versions: individual Amplifiers accompanied with the corresponding external Power Supply Box or individual Amplifiers integrated into the Power Supply Box.


Key features

  • High Gain Differential AC/DC Amplifier
  • Includes a filter allowing the suppression of background noise
  • A Transducer Balance allows a fine adjustment of the signal baseline
  • Allows external monitoring of its output signal





Input Impedance

1.5 kOhms

Output Impedance

< 100 Ohms

Feed Power

18 VDC

Output Voltage

10 V

Transducer Power Supply

10 VDC

Band Frequency

0-5 KHz


>3 Hz or >20 Hz

Filter AC

0.16 Hz


5 pin Female Audio Connector


CEE Compliance



How to order 



Needs a Power Supply Box



Power Supply Box for up to 4 Amplifiers ISO510A


Isolated organ/issue test & Integrated solutions

For more details about the isolated organ/tissue method, consult the following link

For more details about standard integrated organ bath solutions, consult the “Related Integrated solutions” section of the Isolated organ/tissue test – organ bath webpage – link


Related products

  • Transducers (P) – link
  • PROTOWIN software (P) - link
  • Organ bath for teaching (P) - link
  • Organ bath for basic research (P) - link
  • Organ bath for advanced research (HS)



Tuesday, 07 January 2014 14:13


Panlab provides complete hardware solutions and associated software for isolated tissues studies from simple, manual systems to automated, computer-controlled systems. 

The mechanical activity of the tissues (muscles) is formed by a displacement (elongation) and a force (contraction). The ratio between elongation and force depends on the properties of the tissue under study: some tissues exhibit a mechanical response with a very large displacement and a reduced force; other tissues produce short but very intense contractions (in terms of strength). Depending on this ratio, the transducer used for performing an organ bath experiment will be isometric or isotonic.

- Isometric transducers

The Panlab Force/Isometric Transducers measures the force of contraction of isolated tissues under conditions of constant force. 

Isometric force transducers are very sensitive to the force applied under conditions contraction with very short amplitude (low displacement). As an example, the Transducers of weight of the electronic scales acts in an isometric way. Generally the isometric technology is also used to measure frequencies; for this reason, the displacement of the sensor of the transducer need to be as slight as possible. Panlab has transducers with a minimum displacement of 0.1 mm for a force application until 25 grams.

Isometric Transducers are classically used in Organ Bath experiments with muscles with short/rapid contractions such as tracheal muscle, atrium, papillary muscle, aortic rings, veins or other vessel rings.

The Transducers are equipped with a special system allowing an easy and rapid fixation of the thread that tightens upper side of the tissue in an organ bath. Panlab provides transducer for various load range, from teaching to standard research systems.

- Isotonic transducers

The Panlab Isotonic Transducer measures displacements with pre-adjusted loads (position transducer).

Isotonic transducers are classically used for measuring the contraction amplitude of isolated muscles in Organ Bath studies, i.e. the changes in tissue length observed under a constant load.

To achieve this capacity, an isotonic transducer must possess a sensor axis which rotates at least 25 degrees. This type of register was the one which was used initially, at the time of the kymographs in such a way that the transducer was configured by a lever, balancing on a pivot.

These transducers are preferably used with smooth muscle preparations characterized by relatively slow contractions (ileum, vas deferens, lung strips, esophagus, urinary bladder, etc.).

Download here the Transducer leaflet – link


Which transducer? The Panlab advice.

Although in principle and from the physiological point of view, the most appropriate for smooth musculature is the isotonic and for heart and striate the isometric, in purity all animal muscle contracts partly isotonically and partly isometrically. Nowadays all the tasks are done with isometric as the response is much more repetitive, the basal line is much more constant, and the relaxation much more rapid. Isotonic transducers are only used in few specific cases

Recommended bibliography:

Kitchen I. Textbook of in vitro practical pharmacology. Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford, 1984


Panlab transducer specifications



Isometric (Force)









High sensitivity





5 mg to 25 g

10 mg to 25 g

5 mg to 5 g



2 mg

5 mg

5 mg



± 0.45 mm

± 0.5 mm

± 15 º (48 mm)



32 μV/V/g

25 μV/V/g

24 μV/V/º


Power Supply

5-10 V dc/ac

5-10 V ac/dc

5-10 V dc


ROD Length (6mm dia.)

165 mm

165 mm

150 mm


Counterweight graduation



5 div of 1 g with subdiv of 250 mg




How to order 


5 pin female audio connector

6 pin male binder connector

8 pin male connector


Transducer connector for Panlab ISO510A amplifier and ADinstrument Bridge pod.

Transducer connector for Hugo Sachs amplifiers.

Transducer connector for ADinstruments amplifiers.


TRI201A (76-0575)

TRI201HS (76-0418)

TRI201AD (76-0417)


TRI210A (76-0098)

TRI210HS (76-0579)

TRI210AD (76-0581)


TRO015A (76-0583)

TRO015HS (76-0424)

TRO015AD (76-0423)


Five pin male connectors for Panlab previous ISO510 amplifier are obsolete but can be provided under specific request.   


Isolated organ/issue test & Integrated solutions

For more details about the isolated organ/tissue method, consult the following link

For more details about standard integrated organ bath solutions, consult the “Related Integrated solutions” section of the Isolated organ/tissue test – organ bath webpage – link


Related products

  • Amplifiers (P) – link
  • PROTOWIN software (P) - link
  • Organ bath for teaching (P) - link
  • Organ bath for basic research (P) - link
  • Organ bath for advanced research (HS)



Panlab provides complete hardware solutions and associated software for isolated tissues studies from simple, manual systems to automated, computer-controlled systems. 

The Panlab Compact Organ Baths have been designed and developed to satisfy the requirements of investigators by offering advanced characteristics that render them suitable for the in-vitro study of tissue behavior. Due to their compact design minimum bench space is required.

The modular design allows up to eight individually mounted tissues to be studied simultaneously and independently per system. Several models are available, from one up to eight chambers. All of them are supplied with an external heating control unit, transducer' stands & micropositioners and tissue holders. The main Perspex reservoir houses the heater system, the chambers and coils, all submerged in thermostatically controlled water. Each vessel is filled and emptied by means of a three-way tap (Manual Series) or by electrically-operated valves (Automatic Series) which, besides the possibility of manual activation by means of frontal pushbuttons, can also be remotely controlled by a Timer or Programmer (Software).

All organ baths include tissue holders, transducer holders, micropositioners. The tissue chambers are sold separately.

Panlab can too supply suitable Isometric or Isotonic Force Transducers.

Standard solution for teaching uses the LE120-1 or LE120-2 flat recorders for recording the signals on paper. Optionally, the PANLAB Modular Organ Baths can be associated with transducers, amplifiers and data output software from several brands. 

Cost-saving and straight-to-the-point solution is available as a combination with the Panlab transducers, amplifiers and PROTOWIN software. 

The Panlab organ baths are also the main piece of the ADInstruments organ baths working with the Powerlab and LABChart software systems and proving advanced data report options.

Download here the Panlab Organ bath leaflet – link


Key features

  • Compact design thus reducing space requirements to the minimum
  • 5, 10, 25 and 50 ml chambers available
  • Complete accessibility to all components to facilitate maintenance
  • Independent nutrient liquid inputs allowing using different physiological solutions in one same chamber
  • All the input-output connections are accessible on the rear panel of the device
  • Additional gas outlet (bubbling) to supply oxygen to the preparation into the Petri Capsules
  • Two modes for solution replacement: overflow / emptying and filling
  • Turbulence-free water circulation
  • Use of safety sensors for both water level and water temperature (cut-off at 50 ºC)
  • Avoid of thermal inertia using an electronic heating resistance operation control system with incremental gradients
  • Available accessories for using continuous perfusion
  • Ensures optimal heat stability
  • Use of totally inert materials, PTFE, Delrin, Silicone and other materials that are not degraded by acids or salts


How to order



COMPACT ORGAN BATHS (Chambers not Included)


Dimensions (cm)

Tank (liters)




Base: 28 x 20; Height: 27 + 22

5 L






Base: 44 x 20; Height: 27 + 22

8 L






Base: 60 x 20; Height: 27 + 22

11 L






Base: 76 x 20; Height: 27 + 22

14 L









5 mL



10 mL



25 mL



50 mL






Stainless steel electrode



Stainless steel electrode. Two rings, 20 mm. apart



Stainless steel electrode. Two rings, 15 mm apart



Stainless steel electrode. Surface contact



Platinum electrode. Single ring



Platinum electrode. Two rings, 20 mm apart



Platinum electrode. Two rings, 15 mm apart



Platinum electrode. Surface contact



See available Panlab options in next link


TRANSDUCERS (see Related product)


AMPLIFIERS (see Related products)


Isolated organ/issue test & Integrated solutions

For more details about the isolated organ/tissue method, consult the following link

For more details about standard integrated organ bath solutions, consult the “Related Integrated solutions” section of the Isolated organ/tissue test – organ bath webpage – link


Related products

  • Transducers (P) –link
  • Amplifiers (P) – link
  • Organ bath for Teaching (P) - link
  • Organ bath for advanced research (H)



Wednesday, 09 April 2014 00:00


METABOLISM software is the last element of the chain of components of the Panlab OXYLET,FOOD and DRINK and PHYSIOCAGE systems. METABOLISM allows the extraction of the data obtained from these Panlab devices as well as the calculation of important parameters for physiological studies. A combined evaluation of the respiration metabolism, food/drink intake, spontaneous activity and rearing is then rendered possible by the use of this very simple and easy-to-use software.

METABOLISM consists in different modules, activated upon customer request:

  • METAOXY -> for O2/CO2 metabolism studies (Including Treadmill based studies).
  • METAINT -> for Intake studies
  • METAACT -> for activity studies (Including Rearing)

The program gets data in digital form from the Panlab devices. METABOLISM can also import and convert analogical data from the *.txt files generated by Data Acquisition Systems (PowerLab® recommended). 

Gathered data can be processed and re-processed using different time intervals of calculation. The program displays a Data Table which can be saved in Excel format for further analyses.


Tuesday, 01 April 2014 00:00


Compulse represents the software component of the Panlab PheCOMP system designed for the assessment of compulsive behavior in rodents.

This software monitors up to 12 PheCOMP cages for data acquisition, storage and analysis. Up to 4 external units for food or drink by cage can be set (user-defined combination and name) ensuring an optimal flexibility for performing a wide variety of tests related to Food & Drink Intake studies.

The evolution of food and drink intake consumption, beams break activity, rearing and current animal position are displayed in real-time during the data acquisition process. The data are stored in two data files: MTB file opened from the Compulse software for Intake & Meal Pattern Analysis and TAC file opened from the Actitrack software for Global Activity, Tracking & Rearing Analysis.

A powerful analysis module provides tables with the calculation of total and accumulated intake for each dispenser in each cage as well as all the standard data for meal pattern analysis. The analysis window and subinterval are defined by the user. Data can also be displayed graphically. All the tables and graphs are easily exportable in Excel o BMP formats, respectively.



Tuesday, 08 April 2014 00:00


The Panlab spatial place preference box is an experimental chamber developed with the aim to optimise place preference and aversion studies in small laboratory animals, especially mice. The design of the box is fruit of a close collaboration with eminent Professor Dr. Rafael Maldonado and Dr. Olga Valverde from the Laboratory of Neuropharmacology in Barcelona (Spain). 

The apparatus consists in a box with two equally sized compartments interconnected by a rectangular corridor. Originally, the compartments are differentiated by the motifs painted on the walls (dots or stripes) and the colour (different shade of grey tones, light or dark) and texture (smooth or rough) of the floor. The innovation brought by the Panlab box is the possibility to combine a new additional spatial dimension to allow the animal differentiate the different compartments in a more discriminative manner. Transparent walls are also used to minimize the time the animal spent in the corridor. 

The introduction of these new discriminative elements allows:

  • optimising the results obtained in the place preference and aversion paradigms (low variability in the response, reduced number of animals per group...)
  • organizing the discriminative elements in a wide variety of configurations for studies evaluating spatial or contextual memory
  • using the elements as discriminative cues associated with drug exposure in diverse other experimental designs.

The Panlab spatial place preference box can be associated with the weight transducer technology (and PPC win software) or video-tracking system (SMART software) for detection and analysis of animal position throughout the test.


Tuesday, 08 April 2014 00:00


Panlab Place Preference Box is a standard experimental chamber for automated assessment of conditioned place preference and aversion in rodents, two tests widely used for screening the reinforcing properties of drugs (or natural stimuli) as well as for investigating the brain neurobiological systems implicated in reward and addiction.

The experimental box consists of two Perspex compartments of the same size interconnected by a central grey corridor. The compartments can be differentiated by both visual and tactile cues: the colour of the walls in each compartment (white or black) and the texture of the floors (smooth or rough). The box is provided with transparent frontal walls which may be covered with extractable opaque covers (included). Manually operated sliding doors are provided to manage the access to the two compartments from the corridor. 

The experimental box can be supplied with or without automatic animal position detection system. The automated animal position detection can be carried out by a weight transducer system which is associated to the PC-based control software PPCWIN or by the SMART video-tracking system.

Panlab also proposes another place preference box - spatial place preference box (see related products) - with optimised design for compartment differentiation without the possible bias introduced by the black and white colour of the compartment of the present box. 


Tuesday, 08 April 2014 00:00

PPCWIN Software

PPCWIN is an easy-to-use and complete software for monitoring Conditioned Place Preference (or aversion) tests and Black and White experiments (for anxiety). It has been specially designed to work with the Panlab Automated Place Preference and Black and White boxes equipped with weight transducers for the automatic detection of animal position.

PPCWIN controls independently up to 8 experimental chambers. The system includes a test mode enabling immediate and reliable checking of the communication between the software and the experimental chambers.

The Place Preference and Black and White boxes are basically divided in two different compartments connected by a grey corridor/door, respectively. One experiment can be composed of several sessions, depending on the number of experimental groups and animals per group used in the study. PPCWIN is easy to configure as the user only needs to enter the desired duration of experiment and some specific information about the session (subject name, group…). During data acquisition, information about protocol state, animal position and current data can be visualized for each cage on the corresponding control window.

PPCWIN provides a raw data table with all the standard parameters for conditioned place preference and black and white experiments (permanence time in the compartments, number of entries…) and a detailed chronological sequence of animal displacements for each session. A report table can be generated containing the results from different stored session. Data from the tables of result can be easily exported in formats widely used to perform complementary analysis.


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